Thank you Shari!

Many of you know our long-time office manager, Shari Pickel. Most of you also know that Shari has been battling several health issues for some time now, most recently multiple stress heart attacks. After much prayer, conversations with her husband, George, and adhering to doctor’s orders, she has made the very difficult decision to step down from her position with Triumphant.

A personal word from Shari. “It has been a blessing getting to know all the wonderful life-time friends we have made over the years and for me to work for the greatest group of guys anywhere. I am blessed and very grateful. I love you all.”

We want to sincerely thank Shari for her steadfast support and unwavering commitment to our ministry and to each one of us. She has literally poured her heart and soul into Triumphant, going above and beyond what we asked. Shari began as our office manager when we started the group in 2003, and we wouldn’t have had many of the successes we have enjoyed without her hard work and support. She is certainly our biggest fan and cheerleader!

Shari, you are adored, honored, and respected. Thank you seems so inadequate but from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for all you have done. We wish you and George nothing but the best. We love and appreciate you!

Eric, David, Clayton, Sean, Adam, Chad, and the entire Triumphant family

Triumphant Quartet