Photos from our Retreat at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove - June 2024

What a great crowd of friends and a wonderful time of worship and fellowship!

GW Southard joined us and provided some additional accompaniment. Dr. Eric Littleton also provided pre-concert music that everyone enjoyed. Our apologies for not getting a photograph of Dr. Littleton.

Pastor Kenny Evans was our speaker. He shared his amazing testimony at our session on Tuesday morning.

David singing our newest radio single, God Is Listening. What a powerful reminder!

Each session was a wonderful time of worship.

The crowd was treated to the complete album, God Is Listening. As you can see, we are still learning the words.

On Wednesday morning we had a Q and A after breakfast.

You guys and gals are the best! Including those who had to get on the road home and missed the group photo. We love you all! Thank you for joining us and always supporting us.

Triumphant Quartet